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Product News: Ewon eCatcher Mobile KPIs

May 22, 2020
Promises live mobile monitoring of KPIs from any machine equipped with an Ewon Flexy router.
HMS Networks announced eCatcher Mobile KPIs, a new end-to-end solution that brings live machine

KPIs directly to mobile devices. The solution is based upon the eCatcher software, which establishes remote connections to Ewon-connected machines via the cloud service Talk2M. HMS has now updated the mobile version for iOS and Android (eCatcher Mobile) to enable presentation of live KPIs from any machine equipped with an Ewon Flexy. Ewon users will feel at home since this feature is already available in the free browser-based web portal M2Web, according to HMS.

Any Flexy-connected machine can quickly be monitored live

Users start by selecting up to six KPIs from the list of defined machine variables inside each machine-connected Ewon Flexy, and all KPIs can be set to trigger alarms. After a few configuration clicks, the user gets a live view of the chosen KPIs, enabling instant monitoring of machine status and performance from anywhere in the world. The users can see if there are any active KPI alarms and the degree of severity. The alarms are identified with an intuitive color indication of alarm status depending on alarm severity. And, If a machine reports a critical alarm, the user can instantly create a remote VPN connection over Talk2M to the machine in question for a quick intervention.

“eCatcher Mobile KPI’s is the perfect mobile tool for machine builders to remotely monitor and view their connected machines around the world,” said Emeline Brouillard, Ewon product manager at HMS. “Thanks to the live KPIs made available through eCatcher Mobile, users have a new tool at their fingertips to avoid any production downtime and improve operational efficiency. With this, HMS Networks offers an easy-to-deploy remote monitoring solution to start the machine builders’ digitalization journey.”

Handy tool for machine builders as well as end users

While eCatcher Mobile KPIs provides a path for machine builders to monitor all their machines’ KPIs, it is also a tool for staff working at the corresponding end user facilities, where machines are located. Here, a machine builder can put eCatcher Mobile KPIs at the disposal of the end user or its system integrator as a mobile monitoring tool for all connected machines on site. Learn more here.