| | | | | | | | | Sponsored | From PCB Piezotronics Model 633A01 features rugged piezoelectric sensing technology with USB plug-and-play capabilities. Make professional grade vibration measurements on your PC, smartphone, or tablet with digital accelerometers from PCB Piezotronics. Meet Model 633A01. |
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| | | | | Adopting a cloud-based operating model enables manufacturers to evolve from traditional methods of managing IT infrastructure to the cloud’s more flexible structures. |
| "The chatbot can provide quick responses for common issues that customers have, enable faster diagnosis and suggest personalized recommendations." |
| Generative AI is on the boardroom agenda at 96% of organizations. |
| "The industrial-data platform sits on top of a heterogeneous device environment." |
| "I’m optimistic about AWS’ approach to creating a space where it's easy for automotive customers to build with generative AI." |
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