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Flutura & JAG Group join forces

July 10, 2017
OEMs can scale offerings across equipment classes.
Flutura, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) start-up focused on impacting outcomes in the energy, manufacturing and engineering industries, announced it is partnering with the Jerry Allen Group (JAG Resources). The partnership will focus on utilizing Flutura's Cerebra IIoT

platform, which allows advanced diagnostic algorithms for equipment health episode detection and provides OEMs the ability to scale value-added offerings across varied equipment classes.

"The next generation of competitive advantage in the energy marketplace will go to forward thinking players who invest a lot on digital IoT and artificial intelligence capabilities like Cerebra from Flutura," said Archie W. Dunham, JAG advisor, chairman emeritus. "For upstream, midstream, downstream and the machinery manufacturers the risk of digital inaction is greater than the risk of digital failure. IoT & AI are the future and it is coming."